
The Boys …

Bloomingtree Winnetou
This is our new boy to join us. He is a black silver ticked tabby..

We would like to thank Martina in Germany, for our special new boy. He has the biggest purr and the sweetest temperament you could wish for, and wonderful type.
We look forward to a great future with him.

Jungle Mans Bulldog (AKA Brumus)

Brumus, came to us from Gitte and Orla Dahm in Denmark, he has the most wonderful temperament, and is a very beautiful solid blue with a strong muzzle and boning.
A delight from the moment he walked in the door to greet us.
Thank you Gitte and Orla for this wonderful loving boy, he gives us all so much pleasure and love.

 Lyngkatten’s Killimanjaro
Dam: Jungle Man’s Lexus
 Gitte and Orla Dahm

Grimm De Nikko Coons

Red Silver Classic Tabby

We call him Nikki.. Is a stunning young Maine Coon. He has the most wonderful sunny temperament, with his strong muzzle exceptionally long tail and tall ears give him an outstanding appearance, and the look that I love.

We so very grateful to Christiana who bred him and then allowed him to come and live with us.

 Top Coon DiCaprio 
 Elisha Queen De Nikko Coons
 Christiane Phily
HCM MyBPC Gene Test:

Aquiles Vitorones Coon

Who came from an excellent breeder, Julia Bauqo Prendes in Spain. He is a big brown tabby boy with a wonderful look and long tail

Kassaro Muscoky

Our handsome silver and white boy from Bloomingtree Winnetou.